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How Much Protection Do You Have in Place?

Let me be the first to wish you all a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Yes, it is that time of year again when you need to check up on how much protection you have in place?

For instance, do you have an alarm and more importantly – are you using it correctly?

The number of people who admit to us on the phone that their alarm hasn’t been working correctly for a while and they have been meaning to call us is (excuse the pun) alarming!

Also what happens when your alarm goes off?

Does it go direct through to monitoring or have you tried to save money by doing it yourself?

On some alarms, the APPs are sort of OK but nothing quite beats having an alarm monitored, for peace of mind that “someone away from your property knows there is a problem” and will respond to it!

There is nothing worse than being away at the beach a few hours’ drive from home and the alarm goes off! What would you rather do, be woken up by your phone after a night partying with friends and expected to drive home to check – or have a message from monitoring to say they have sent a patrol to check and there is no sign of entry?

Or worse still that it is a confirmed break in?

Then you can make plans accordingly.

Recent statistics show that burglary victimisations have increased by 2.7% compared with the previous 12 months!

75% are residential and most burglaries happen in the early afternoon. (Official Police statistics for the year ending August 2019).

So to help you make up your mind and protect your home we are offering a special End-of-year offer!

Signup to our Alarm Monitoring now in November and we will come and connect you AND service your alarm for FREE – saving you over $130.00. (subject to Terms and Conditions) Cost of any materials are excluded.

So don’t delay, beat the rush now and give our team a call on 07 824 5566.

On top of that, the statistic show that there have been over 28,000 recorded thefts from Retail Premises!

Do you have a business with no cameras installed??

Theft and Burglary are only just one of the reasons to have cameras installed these days.

Health and Safety is actually the number one reason we are given now for CCTV covering the premises.

The laws now are getting so picky that it tends to take the responsibility away from the worker who is likely to make the mistake and instead push it onto a business owner, common-sense has gone out of the window!

So make sure you are covered with the correct CCTV Coverage to protect your business in the event of an unfortunate incident.

Call our team today about getting CCTV installed in your business or home.

So let us help you make it a “Happy New Year” and get protected now before something happens?

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year everyone


Roger Bull

Managing Director