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The Smart Home Revolution

The start of the computer revolution was back in the 1950’s where big and bulky mainframe computers took up a whole room and had to be programmed with a punch card. They were used to automate Accounts and Payrolls.

Then by the 1980’s to 2000 the second revolution started when we began to have desktop computers in the office, and then came the home PC.

The third revolution was the mobile one which reduced them in size to be able to fit in our pockets, so we could take them anywhere and use them on the go.

Now the next shift has started and in our homes, smart assistants like Google Home or Amazon Echo are steadily colonising our personal spaces, along with home automation for smart lighting and security systems.  There were over 640 million of these units sold last year and the market will be doing twice that by 2023.

By that time we can expect something like a 50% growth in sales of wearable devices like smart clothing and fitness trackers- a huge market that Apple is looking to – where it will be approaching 300 million units a year.

As for the workplace, AI is starting to take hold where it is transforming factories and production lines. Sometimes referred to as the forth revolution or industry 4, this sector is forecast to double to over 150 billion by 2023 and over a Trillion dollars by the early 2030’s.

Tech companies will increasingly seek to improve our lives with this explosion of smart devices that will be crunching the sensor data from all this hardware, as well as all the activities that we do on our smart phones. There are also plenty of start-ups staking out their territory  in this new frontier.

When it comes to your home it is important to know what you want and when you “don’t know what you don’t know” the best thing is to talk to a company that is experienced in security systems before you build and not settle for a one size fits all approach that some builders and electricians install as a part of a package.

Your Security System is a personal thing and needs to be researched correctly to make sure you know what you want and how you are going to use it – because it’s no good having one installed if it’s too hard to use, that would just be a waste of money.

Smartway Security and Technology have been installing CCTV for over 19 years and Monitored Security Alarms for longer than that. Why don’t you give them a call and let them help you to understand how you can protect what is important to you.

Remember “Experience the Difference because the Difference is Experience.

Call and speak to the team at Smartway today on 0800 93 63 63