What Solutions Are Available?
Existing security systems will more than likely need to have a module installed so your alarm will still talk to the monitoring desk. There is also that big danger of being caught out in the event of a power cut when the new equipment is installed, that is unless you have a backup battery supply – called a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) installed.
Previously your landline would still have kept you connected, but now you need a battery backup to keep your Router & ONT (Optical Network Terminal) alive.
Smartway Security & Technology have a solution for this and can supply you with a UPS Battery Backup so you don’t get caught short.
Will You Need A Costly Upgrade?
The short answer is no! You won’t need a costly upgrade. In fact, there might not be any cost involved at all.
Smartway can supply a UPS Battery backup for FREE (subject to T&Cs) when you change over to having your alarm monitored with us or resign a new contract. That will save you $120.00 + GST!
As a side note to that, if your Router and ONT are in different locations in the house you will need a second UPS. We will also be able to supply you the second battery a special discounted price of $85.00 + GST.
Now in addition, depending on the alarm you have and how old it is, we can also set you up with an APP on your phone that will allow you to communicate with the alarm and it can have a number of different functions.
Depending on the make and model of your alarm, it could allow you to set and unset your alarm remotely from your Smart Device. In some cases, it can even provide an up-to-date log of who has set or unset the alarm, when they did it, plus other benefits.
Interested in ensuring your alarm will continue to work in all situations? Then, call us today to find out how we can help protect what is most important to you. Our phone number is 07 824 5566.